If you are someone who is SERIOUS about making positive life changes, creating quantum shifts, and being held accountable for your goals, then coaching is for you. In order to obtain this 1:1 service, you must fill out an application that I will personally review. Since I take this relationship seriously, and guarantee 100% success, this service is meant for people who are ready for positive changes. I put a lot of energy and passion into each of my private clients, so I expect the same energy and passion back.

If you are looking to CREATE THE LIFE YOU DESERVE, fill out the following application at the bottom of this page and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 


1:1 Private Coaching - 3 MONTHS

Studies show that it takes 90 days to form a habit. I will help you create the lifestyle and the outcomes you desire within these 90 days. Our 1:1, 60 minute sessions, will allow you to transform your life and raise your vibration. If you are someone who wants to be held accountable for turning your dream life into a reality, this program is for you. Within the 3 months, you will have weekly hour sessions, daily support, weekly guided meditations, and a safe space to make quantum shifts. 


1:1 Private Coaching - 5 MONTHS

 This 5 month program gives you the opportunity to see MAJOR changes. Not only will you see a positive shift in your energy and personal success, but you will have the tools to move forward without ever needing a coach again. This 5 month relationship allows us the opportunity to solidify a special bond where I will challenge you to move forward. Within this program, you will receive weekly hour sessions, guided meditations, daily support, my personal cell phone number incase of emergencies, an essential oil each month, 2 Happier Mind Journals, 30% off From Betches To Buddhas merchandise.


1:1 Private Coaching - 12 MONTHS

This is where the magic happens. In one year, you will create your best life. If you're someone who is EXCITED about personal growth, spiritual awareness, and the guarantee of a happier life, THIS IS FOR YOU. In 1 year you will receive the following: weekly sessions, guided meditations, a unique plan of action for self development,  daily support, my personal cell phone number, 2 essential oils a month, 5 Happier Mind Journals & 50% off From Betches to Buddhas merchandise, 3 mastermind coaching sessions with a surprise guest coach!!